In the News
January 27, 2023 — Brandon Schroeder survived a nearly fatal ARC flash accident that changed his life forever. He joined us on Zoom to share his story and give us a preview of his 2023 Ohio Safety Congress presentation titled, Believe in Safety.
March 6, 2020 — Taking job safety shortcuts under an all-too-common mentality — “hurry up, get it done and it’s not going to happen to me” — can result in disastrous consequences, such as those a Marion electrician said he experienced firsthand. Brandon Schroeder, founder of Believe in Safety, served as keynote speaker at a day-long safety training event held by Price Electric of Robins on Thursday, at Longbranch Hotel and Convention Center in Cedar Rapids.
April 30, 2018 — As part of Electrical Safety Month NECA’s Director of Safety, Westley Wheeler recently took part in a webinar hosted by safety software leader, eCompliance, Developing Effective Policies for Electrical Safety. This webinar features Brandon Schroeder, an arc flash accident survivor and the founder of Believe in Safety. He shared his story and experiences, while explaining why safety must be highlighted on the job.
March 25, 2018 — In August 2011, Brandon Schroeder, a trained electrician, was burned over 16 percent of his body in an arc flash when he neglected to follow safety procedures. “The sheer math said I should have died that day,” Mr. Schroeder said. On Thursday, Mr. Schroeder was the keynote speaker at the 12th annual excavator-safety seminar at SUNY Potsdam, one of nine regional seminars held across the state. “We’ve got over 300 excavators from around the area,” said Kevin Hopper, executive director of Dig Safely, which organized the event. “Pretty much anyone who digs for a living in the area is here.”
March 7, 2018 — As they say, “there’s no teacher like experience.” Brandon Schroeder learned a valuable lesson the day he ignored basic safety precautions and the fact that he lived to share it is not short of a miracle. Now he’s traveling throughout New York telling his story. Brandon is an electrician who survived an arc flash explosion. Rather than contact the utility company, he attempted to move a temporary power feed at a construction site on his own. He shares the details including some very eye-opening pictures at free seminars hosted by Dig Safely New York.
February 9, 2018 — On February 1, Brandon brought his message to Tyndale’s Pipersville, Pennsylvania headquarters where he told his story to more than 200 Tyndale employees. His audience was visibly moved as he spoke about how grateful he is for the opportunity to continue to be a part of the lives of his wife and children. When his presentation ended, several Tyndale employees approached Brandon to personally thank him for sharing his message.
October 15, 2017 — “When I walk into a room a lot of time company guys are thinking, ‘I’ve been doing this for 20 or 30 years. I know what I am doing. This is just another safety meeting,'” said Schroeder. “They sit down and they want to have their coffee and doughnuts and then I walk in and they think, ‘Who’s this guy? What’s he going to tell me that I haven’t already heard?’ When they see that first picture of my face, they understand.”
October 12, 2017 — The decision to work on the energized unit resulted in an arc flash explosion that severely burned Shroeder and nearly cost him his life. If he had been wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), his injuries would have been less severe. Schroeder was severely burned over 16 percent of his body and spent months recovering.